A Field Day Committee meeting is planned for Wednesday, April 20th at 7:30 PM. The meeting will be at Susan McKinney's house (66 Boynton Street).
The goal for the meeting is to decide on a format for the event and form subcommittees with chairs/co-chairs. Thoughts right now on committees are food, movie (assuming we show one), Pre-K, PDD, events, scheduling and volunteers. Be prepared for some serious brainstorming and bring some good ideas. We're very open to any and all suggestions this year. Please let Susan know if you can come or if you are interested in helping but can't make the meeting. Email Susan with your response or call her at 781.642.7893. Whether you can help out ahead of time or not, we still need a TON of volunteers the day of the event, Friday, June 10, rain or shine. Any help you can provide is extremely welcome as this is one of our largest scale, most complicated and MAXIMUM FUN EVENTS!
Please join us Wednesday night at 7pm for a PTO meeting in the school library. The agenda includes a vote on an amendment to the PTO by-laws.
Fifth Grade Celebration Committee Meeting will be meeting just before PTO at 6:30 pm to plan for the big event. We hope you will join us as we finalize committees (currently Decorations, Pizza Party, Movie Night, Yearbook, T-shirts, Silhouettes) and begin detailed planning. Contact Principal Jen Hacker ([email protected]) with any questions. Meeting will include a presentation on Expressive Arts Therapy (EAT). Meeting will take place at Waltham High School, Room 118. For more information on this presentation click here.
Order forms and payment (cash or check written out to STANLEY PTO) are due back to school immediately! We appreciate any support you give to this fundraiser. Contact Patty O'Toole with any questions.
Stanley is going to make it School Librarian Week and to celebrate Mrs. Larsson will read books to grades K-2 that take place in the library and give students the opportunity to contribute to a collage about our school library.
Stanley PTO
Keep up to date on the happenings at Stanley Elementary School with our new PTO blog! PLEASE DON'T USE GOODSHOP TO ENTER AMAZON.COM. WE EARN MORE WHEN YOU USE
November 2011
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